
About Our Archive
The Whitesbog Preservation Trust Archives acquires and preserves artifacts in a variety of formats that document the history of Whitesbog Village, the cranberry and blueberry Industries of New Jersey, and the individuals who contributed to that history. The staff at the Archives is in the process of organizing, processing, and cataloging multiple collections. Currently, the collections include artifacts and documents related to cranberry and blueberry culture and development, cranberry and blueberry harvesting records, patents related to cranberry and blueberry machinery, Whitesbog labor issues pertaining to migrant workers, ledgers, and photographs, publications and personal correspondence of Joseph J. White and Elizabeth C. White and holly culture. The archives also contains records related to both the cranberry and blueberry cooperatives. Research in the Whitesbog Preservation Trust Archives is available by appointment only. If you have prior experience or expertise in archival procedures and would like to volunteer, please call the office at (609) 893-4646 or arrange an appointment with archives’ staff at (609) 283-0255 or email at
Our Archive tells the story of common Artifacts you could find around the farm during its early years.

Cranberry Barrel
In early times, cranberries were shipped to market in wooden barrels. Each barrel held 100 pound of cranberries. Even though many years have passed since cranberries were shipped in barrels, this unit of weight still remains the industry standard.

2-handled Whaler Scoop or Rocking Scoop
The Double Handled Scoop (aka New England Whaler Scoop), stick on label – “Manomet cranberry comb” patented on May 8, 1900 by W.B. Waters, Manomet, Mass Wooden teeth, Screen top, Elegant, heavy scoop has 18 long up curved tapered teeth, a double handle, a screen-mesh top and an aluminum back of the berry container. Has a metal internal support bracket. New Jersey Agricultural Museum Collection.

Cranberry Sorter
Sorts good cranberries from bad soft ones by their bounce properties. Good ones survive a series of steps to the bottom. Soft ones are sorted out. The sorter is manually operated via a handcrank which also moves a cleaning fan. The top loading chute has a tilt handle. Crank and belt missing. New Jersey Agricultural Museum Collection, Donated by Evans.
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Whitesbog Preservation Trust is the caretaker of Whitesbog Historic Village, a small cranberry farming village founded in 1857

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Whitesbog Preservation Trust (501(c) (3) non profit) is the caretaker of Whitesbog Historic Village, a small cranberry farming village founded in 1857.
Whitesbog Preservation Trust
120 W. Whites Bog Road #34
Browns Mills, NJ 08015
Open Daily: Sunrise – Sunset