Join And Support
The Whitesbog Preservation Trust is a private, non profit 501 (c) (3) organization supported by membership dues and volunteer energy. Your donations are vital to the ongoing restoration and protection of Whitesbog Village and the cultural and historical programs offered by the Trust.

Become a Member
Memberships are essential to the Whitesbog Preservation Trust ability to fulfill its mission to restore, protect, and enhance the land, historic sites, and building at Whitesbog, and to provide educational materials and interpretive programs about the history, culture, and natural environment of Whitesbog.
General Store
Whitesbog General Store carries many unique items. Food items reflect our history as a center of cranberry and blueberry cultivation. We feature blueberry and cranberry preserves, marmalade, apple butter, syrup, honey, chocolates, and assorted candies.

Whitesbog Preservation Trust is a non profit organization that depends on donations from individuals and groups for its operating support. Along with proceeds from the Blueberry Festival, General Store sales, membership dues, and other fundraising efforts, unrestricted gifts to the Whitesbog Preservation Trust provide support for its programs and services, allowing the Trust to work toward accomplishing our mission.
Get Involved
We invite you to become involved with Whitesbog year round. Many activities, programs, and events are held throughout the year, especially during the cranberry harvest and blueberry season. Your contribution of time and talent will support the Trust’s mission – and you’ll have a great time too!

Our Supporters

More About Whitesbog

Whitesbog Preservation Trust is the caretaker of Whitesbog Historic Village, a small cranberry farming village founded in 1857

Discover ways you can Support us including volunteering, corporate sponsorship, leaving a legacy and becoming a sustaining patron.

Find answers to frequently asked questions about Whitesbog, your visit and planning for events

Whitesbog Preservation Trust (501(c) (3) non profit) is the caretaker of Whitesbog Historic Village, a small cranberry farming village founded in 1857.
Whitesbog Preservation Trust
120 W. Whites Bog Road #34
Browns Mills, NJ 08015
Open Daily: Sunrise – Sunset